How Occupational Therapy is necessary for Sensory Processing Disorder
Just like other neuro-developmental conditions sensory processing disorder is also idiopathic. However, there is a kind of believe in some researchers that the pathogenesis of sensory processing disorder is mainly multi-factorial. Some of the other risk factors that are implicated in the development of sensory processing disorder are low socio-economic conditions and living with a single parent. The for kids are very reliable. In different children, the key symptoms of sensory processing disorders generally vary in presentation and severity. To devise functional strategies and to discuss with the occupational therapist make sure that you keep a record of all the symptoms manifested by a child at home or school. Few symptoms manifested by most children are that the child often responds uniquely or somewhat differently to the crowd, noise, strong smells, and variations in temperatures. The response, reasoning, and functioning of the child are significantly altered by all th...